When not learning or helping others Milana can be found with her nose in a book or marathoning TV shows. For this reason, industry received top priority in Hitler’s calculations… Under Nazi rule, corporate giants such as I.G. Taking longer than expected worked to Allies advantage as Germans lacked tanks when battle resumed in open country.” Liddel Hart, “…combined presence of these two strong headed imperialist at the center of power was to lead the Japan to war” Sir John Keegan, “The crux of the matter was Japan’s need for oil in order to conclude the war in China successfully.” J.M. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. ~Will and Ariel Durant, Lessons of History [T]he historian and the detective have much in common. Chatswood BOARD OF STUDIES SYLLABUS. She has also been an HSC marker for Modern and Ancient History, and was one of the accompanying teachers on the 2019 NSW Premier's ANZAC Memorial Scholarship Tour. It is irregularly shaped and built on terrain that slopes from 10 meters up to 40 meters above sea level. Demonstrating an understanding of another historian’s argument through paraphrasing and analysing it to support your own claims, is just as effective as directly quoting. Here are some quotes I think are very useful and my recommendation is to go through them and explore how each idea supports or contradicts your existing arguments. However, the format, detail and historiography it contains make this book an ideal companion for students in other states and overseas who are studying Germany during this period! They include some brief biographical information, a list of texts the historian has written or contributed to, a summary of their historiographical positions and some quotations. “A historian ought to be exact, sincere and impartial; free from passion, unbiased by interest, fear, resentment or affection; and faithful to the truth, which is the mother of history the preserver of great actions, the enemy of oblivion, the witness of the past, the director of the future.” Tune in for stories on everything from the history of Rome to the history of Hollywood and beyond. Anthony McElligott (historian), “Some commentators have drawn such a stark and gloomy picture of the [Weimar Republic’s] early difficulties that the Republic seems foredoomed to failure from the outset… The conditions in which Weimar democracy were born were certainly not such as to help it flourish; and as it unfolded, it was clearly saddled with a burden of problems, in a range of areas.” More Modern History Quizzes. Lots of research and reading into the topic you are studying will provide you with a large variety of quotes and even primary sources that you can, are you’ll start to notice that several historians, are mentioned consistently by your teacher, When historians are mentioned in your class, j, , and with some quick research you should be able to find out their main historical interpretations and significant works, Most documentaries feature a range of historians, often discussing key events or people. Historian could verify this source by visiting site and/or interviewing the archaeologist : Hitler was neither its pre-destined nor its obvious conclusion.”, “Some commentators have drawn such a stark and gloomy picture of the [Weimar Republic’s] early difficulties that the Republic seems foredoomed to failure from the outset… The conditions in which Weimar democracy were born were certainly not such as to help it flourish; and as it unfolded, it was clearly saddled with a burden of problems, in a range of areas.”, “Without the changed conditions, the product of a lost war, a revolution and a pervasive sense of national humiliation, Hitler would have remained a nobody. All these Freikorps pursued their own policies and very soon ceased to take any notice of the military leadership. As we have seen, a conglomeration of pimps, murderers, homosexuals, alcoholics and blackmailers flocked to the party as if to a natural haven. 10 History. It was catapulted to prominence with the onset of economic recession in the late 1920s… The Nazis owed their spectacular to a combination of two discrete sets of factors: first, their distinctive organisation and strategy; and secondly, the wider socio-economic conditions which created climates of opinion and sets of grievances on which the Nazis could prey.”, “Nazism seemed to many just an extreme version of what [most Germans] had always believed in or taken for granted. Wednesday, Preferred Campus Quotes are used to support an argument and should be used to back up the claims you make in your Modern History responses. This way you’ll be able to use it in more question types and have to remember less quotes! Joseph Goebbels, “We have no butter… but I ask you, would you rather have butter or guns? All these Freikorps pursued their own policies and very soon ceased to take any notice of the military leadership. Hitler did not care, as long as they were useful to him.” NESA is regularly updating its advice as … Hitler did not care, as long as they were useful to him.”, “Those troops [who joined the Freikorps] were for the most part men who had no homes and no jobs to go to, or who were reluctant to return to civilian life. “To all the millions of discontented Hitler in a whirlwind campaign offered what seemed to them, in their misery, some measure of hope. Richard M. Perloff, historian, “The idea of a ‘doomed republic’ is difficult to shake off… [but] the fact is, in 1918 the republic’s future was open, its history yet to be determined. I wrote essay after essay as my marks gradually moved into the A Range and I became excited about exam questions! 'undying hope and amazing revolutionary optimism.' Jonathon Spence. especially when you don’t know where to look. The point (your topic sentence) should provide your judgement and argument in response to the question. I am fascinated with the circumstances by which Hitler came to power but also how Germany under Hitler’s rule was able to re-arm and become an aggressor in a world that 20 years earlier had seen so much death and destruction. These profiles have been written and compiled by Alpha History … One way to think about incorporating quotes is to adapt them into the PEEL essay writing technique. ― William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany, “The Communist press and political meetings were suppressed; the Social Democrat newspapers and many liberal journals were suspended and the meetings of the democratic parties either banned or broken up. Joseph Goebbels, “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.” Exams 2. Year 11 Option 6: Ho Chi Minh 1890–1969. Lots of research and reading into the topic you are studying will provide you with a large variety of quotes and even primary sources that you can utilise. The syllabus, assessment and reporting information and other support materials for the Modern History Stage 6 course. Try not to obsess too much over remembering quotes. History subjects are associated with memorising dates, but in Modern History, it’s more than dates; essay structures, source analysis, key terms- these are some of the things you’ll need to focus on skill-wise. The Nature of Modern History. The inclusion of historians’ quotes shows markers that your claims are well-reasoned and persuasive. Virtual. Give us a ring on 1300 267 888, email us at [email protected] or check us out on Facebook! Through a focus on the nature of power and authority 1919–1946, and a broader transnational perspective, students investigate the rise of fascist, totalitarian and militarist movements after World War I; what drew people to these movements; the regimes that emerged and ongoing international efforts to achieve collective security. over remembering quotes. Home > A Level and IB study tools > History > Historiography 1951 - 2007 Making of Modern Britain HIS3M Historiography 1951 - 2007 Making of Modern Britain HIS3M 5.0 / 5 1. Over time, four main areas were developed that were heavily influenced by the Greek principles of urban planning: 3.1. by hsc ... HSC CoWorks offers HSC Tuition and HSC Coaching in a number of subjects including HSC History. > Referencing historians gives your work authority and strengthens the historical argument that you are making. in this paragraph, secondary sources make written responses more persuasive. Historian Quotes For 20th Century Germany. They will give you an overview of the main arguments and interpretations and introduced some historians who’s quotes and arguments you can use to support your own. 2014 HSC Modern History Marking Guidelines Section I — World War I 1914–1919 Part A . Quotes are used to support an argument and should be used to back up the claims you make in your Modern History responses. How to use HSC Modern History historian quotes in a response. For the quotes you like, try and include them in your essays and get some feedback from your teacher or an experienced HSC marker on whether it is strengthening your argument. Dee Why My English literature research paper was due in 5 days. These Modern History notes are completely free - all you need to download them is an ATAR Notes account, which is free to make and takes thirty seconds. ― William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany, “No other party in Germany came near to attracting so many shady characters. His main ability by far, as he came to realise during the course of 1919, was that in the prevailing circumstances he could inspire an audience which shared his basic political feelings, by the way he spoke, by the force of his rhetoric, by the very power of his prejudice, by the conviction he conveyed that there was a way out of Germany’s plight.”, “Education is dangerous – Every educated person is a future enemy.”, “All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The fo… Use Sources A and B and your own knowledge. They certainly took not the slightest notice of the despised democratic ministers.” Hitler could utter the gospel of anti-capitalism to workers and the gospel of profits to businessmen. But his speeches malevolently twisted hope into some gnarled ghastly entities, and appealed to the latent, darkest prejudices of Germans.”. Once you’ve made your point for that paragraph you should always back it up with evidence to support. Impact of Agrippina The Younger on The Julio-Claudian Dynasty Using historian quotes in HSC Modern History is an easy way to boost the quality of your writing and to snag some extra marks! He was persuasive with small groups, but he electrified large audiences.” Racialism… and nationalism… jostled shoulders with the socialistic revolutionary conservatism of many members of the Mittelstand (middle class). These pages contain some profiles of prominent Russian Revolution historians. Knowing my quotes extremely well (90% memorized) allowed me to shape each essay response to suit the question. Researching entire argument presented by a piece of historical writing will increase your understanding of the syllabus content, and help you form your own historical arguments. In your HSC Modern History responses, you are making a historical argument in response to the given questions. Romantic ideas came from right-wing youth groups. Finding these quotes can be a difficult task, especially when you don’t know where to look. Her focus on ordinary life foreshadows ideas later common in the discipline of women's history. "Germany 1918-1939" has been written with the New South Wales HSC Modern History Examination in mind. ‘Hitler’s oratory moved people and appealed to their hopes and dreams. Textbooks are thereby a great place to start researching for quotes. It was catapulted to prominence with the onset of economic recession in the late 1920s… The Nazis owed their spectacular to a combination of two discrete sets of factors: first, their distinctive organisation and strategy; and secondly, the wider socio-economic conditions which created climates of opinion and sets of grievances on which the Nazis could prey.” Farben, Krupp and Siemens not only grew, but accumulated more economic power and wealth, to the detriment of labour and smaller businesses.”, “The development of Nazi economic policy occurred in phases. 'The Long March, later presented as a great achievement in Communist history, was a nightmare of death and pain while it was in progress.' Although Edward Carr quotes this, he still believed that although objectivity is hard to achieve, a historian can achieve such history where he “hopes one could rise” to achieve objectivity. Roberts. The cardinal error of the Germans who opposed Nazism was their failure to unite against it. At 65 years old, Anna Cooper became the fourth African-American woman to earn a doctorate when she received her Ph.D. in history from the University of … A revision quiz based on the HSC modern History 2012 syllabus, focusing on the apartheid dot point in the National Studies of South Africa. Here are some key historians’ quotes to get you started! Racialism… and nationalism… jostled shoulders with the socialistic revolutionary conservatism of many members of the Mittelstand (middle class). Born in London, Cobban was educated in private schools before completing a degree at Cambridge. Historian Quotes “To all the millions of discontented Hitler in a whirlwind campaign offered what seemed to them, in their misery, some measure of hope. Source: Pliny the Younger (Ancient Historian) Quote: “S oon the cloud began to descend upon the earth and cover the sea” Source: Pliny the Younger (Ancient Historian) Quote: “T he walls of the house were swaying with violent shocks.” Source: Pliny the Younger (Ancient Historian) Public and Private Buildings Hermann Goering, “Hitler’s theatricality was linked to his oratorical force. When looking online, focus on reading extended passages of work, rather than looking for individual quotes out of context. 3. As we have seen, a conglomeration of pimps, murderers, homosexuals, alcoholics and blackmailers flocked to the party as if to a natural haven. He was persuasive with small groups, but he electrified large audiences.”, “Hitler’s oratory moved people and appealed to their hopes and dreams. All you have to do is tell them that they are in danger of being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.”, “Hitler’s theatricality was linked to his oratorical force. This can be a great opportunity to write down some quotes, and identify both the leading historians in your topic, and what the main historical interpretations are. . Preparedness makes us powerful. Finding these quotes can be a difficult task. One way to think about incorporating quotes is to adapt them into the PEEL essay writing technique. by hsc admin | Jul 20, 2017 | Blog, Modern History | 0 comments. Our team is made up of a team of HSC experts. History podcasts are an invaluable way to increase your health, wealth, and wisdom. . She went Bolshevik because the old order collapsed.” Norman Stone, “The tragic reality lit up that Bolshevism was not interested in listening to the political arguments of ordinary people. Textbooks are thereby a great place to start researching for quotes. Preferred Campus Joseph Goebbels, “The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.” Current Year His main ability by far, as he came to realise during the course of 1919, was that in the prevailing circumstances he could inspire an audience which shared his basic political feelings, by the way he spoke, by the force of his rhetoric, by the very power of his prejudice, by the conviction he conveyed that there was a way out of Germany’s plight.” They show that the judgement is reasoned by adding depth and demonstrating how the view of, aligns with the main point of the paragraph. Get exclusive HSC content & advice from our team of experts delivered weekly to your inbox! He would make Germany strong again, refuse to pay reparations, repudiate the Versailles Treaty, stamp out corruption, bring the money barons to heel (especially if they were Jews) and see to it that every German had a job and bread.” To find out more and get started with an inspirational tutor and mentor get in touch today! It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”, “The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”, “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”, “We have no butter… but I ask you, would you rather have butter or guns? ― William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany, “Those troops [who joined the Freikorps] were for the most part men who had no homes and no jobs to go to, or who were reluctant to return to civilian life. The historian quotes will be a big help in crafting a strong argument for whatever question the examiner gives you. Taking longer than expected worked to Allies advantage as Germans lacked tanks, To find out more and get started with an inspirational tutor and mentor, NAPLAN Practice Tests for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9, How to Write an English Essay in Years 9 and 10, How to Write a Band 6 HSC Creative Writing Story, How To Complete A Close Study of a Novel in 5 Easy Steps, The Ultimate Guide to Prescribed Texts in the HSC Common Module [2020], What It’s Like Studying a Bachelor of Media and Communications at Macquarie, What It’s Like Studying a Bachelor of Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography) at USYD, Pros and Cons of a Bachelor of Computing Science at UTS, 20 Practice Questions – HSC English Standard: Language, Identity and Culture, What It’s Like Studying a Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) at USYD. 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