So that’s MY story. In fact the guide who went with us said he hated Russian trains because they were too hot. The same can be said about the time I ate potato pancakes for dinner, ate a 50/50 bar for dessert and vomited thereafter when visiting my mother in the maternity ward at the hospital when I was a young child of 3. I didn’t read all of the comments: did anyone come up with a name for this since initial post? But inside, if there’s no air circulation i feel trapped and inmobile. Hey guy’s here my problem is some elevated condition why I don’t know actually what will happened when I travel by bus train bike every thing is normal ie.environment temp cloud humidity every thing but after travel when I reach to my destination than after half an hour my body temp will go high that can felt by another person but I am feeling normal while also I feel temp is ooges from my body I don’t feel any abnormality inside of my body, I completely know what you mean. I get anxious at the market, due to the closeness of people all around me. Why do I feel like I'm suffocating? I can 100% imagine that situation, and I feel like I would do the same thing!! It is an awful feeling! When i was traveling travelling manila to doha. I hope your symptoms have home away, and I wish you the best if they have not . can bring on feelings of panic. I do not want my body to be cold, I use the electric blanket to warm up the bed in the winter and then turn it off to sleep, I just don’t want my face to be hot. But realistically, I had decided to take this bus ride and I had to do it. I have just recently developed this lack of air movement panic’ it’s scary. Rising temperatures can cause stress to the body using more cortisol. I don’t remember any sounds either. I, too, worry about the same things!! Because I feel like I disappointed everybody, and I feel suffocated, and I want my own space. . It was really out of the blue. I’m sorry that happened to you, but so glad the flight attendant was understanding. I used to thrive in warm weather but now I am best at 40 degrees. I was on an inside simulation ride and they didn’t turn the air on and it was hot and dark. But, this method doesn’t always work for me…. lady suggested that my symptoms might I start getting a feeling that I can’t breathe, like the heat is suffocating me. side effects of someone addicted, cold sweats,body ache, some have diariah, vomiting,.. There’s lots but those first 2 are the worst!!! I think i need to meet a psychiatrist already.. Pls help this anxiety disorder? Benzac AC can cause a rare but serious allergic reaction or severe skin irritation. Sometimes I just hurry out bc I get dizzy and I HAVE to lay down in the cool air under my fan. But possibly you opened my eyes. yeah , i have same problem, whenever i enter a room, or meeting hall where the air circulation is not good or doors are closed, i will feel like to i am going to be breathless, so i try to come out of the room and take fresh air. I’ve taken a fan when I travel for years – partly for the air movement and partly for the noise. Haha, you know it’s funny, that elevator didn’t bother me at all. I don’t want to do this around my husband. Its not something I can tell my brain to stop doing. I’m reading this article while on a plane because I feel EXACTLY what you have described. Although my husband does not share my preferences, he has come to terms with mine, and has given up the “battle of the thermostat” and the constant opening and closing of the bedroom heat register. Thanks for your comment! Some symptoms may be completely invisible to others, but none-the-less are real and can be crippling. Photo Credit: Upstate Solar Solutions DC Disconnects: The DC disconnects (sometimes referred to as the PV disconnects) are placed between the solar panels and the inverter or, in many cases, are built into the inverter. Seems worst then on an empty stomach for another odd reason. For me there seems to be a cubic foot/person vs. amount of air movement ratio that if I can keep under that I can cope. started Id had an opetation & that Id heard Fortunately/unfortunately they are situated in Southeast Asia, (Singapore). Not sure what would qualify as relevant, but I had Kawasaki disease and a prolonged significantly high fever to go with it.. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. And the other sister said “you’re just hitting menopause”, well no, not quite,but thanks for the tip. I know my family thought I had lost it and my poor kids were freezing. BTW, the garage doesn’t have anything fragranced, so I’m sure it’s related to the mouse residue and dust (and maybe the closed containers of chemicals, but doubtful since most of them are sealed). I have mild asthma. "I request VHP functionaries to reach out to many more people like A R Rahman who are feeling suffocated after accepting Islam," said Raja Singh. I’ve even felt that way when wearing a surgical mask because I’m sick. My panic level zooms to overload in seconds and I feel like if I don’t get out of the car immediately, I will pass out. Yes, it’s not great to be on Xanax long term on a daily basis. I also feel suffocated or trapped in most situation, off late it is getting worst. On numerous occasions i would either feel so sick, or was sick/close to passing out (because i was young, i would be sick in front of everyone) Visiting any old people since also brings back the feeling. I wonder if anxiety medication could help. I don’t remember that I ever faced similar situations but lately I have felt it 3 or 4 times. Thank goodness for that interesting tip–I never would have thought of that! Our room was small and upstairs. I was ready to rip all my tubes out and escape. Like you have the feeling of being in one, but there’s no steam and no condensation, its just the stuffy feeling in the air.) Am having the same problem . Plus my windows are both open a crack to keep the air moving and from becoming stagnant. It really affects my routine and I always prefer to be at home all the time just to minimize the frequency of the attack. Have some warm water and breathe one breate at a time. (Please don’t take that the wrong way ), Finally found a person I can relate to regarding to the stress/discomfort caused by heat and no air movement! Did you ever find the cause/treatment? The windows weren’t able to go down, and the air conditioning was all messed up but my brother and grandparents didn’t mind. I live in Sri Lanka, and public transportation is much worse than as you mention in Thailand and the heat. Maybe you could try a different mask. I would take naps in wet clothing and I would wake up completely dry – that is how hot it was! I’m too sensitive to sound and scent as well. You should probably go to the doctor either way, but do a little research about CHS. I dont feel claustrophobic I just feel like I cant breath when it gets too hot and stuffy in a room. Even like not being able to remove your wedding ring–you can’t stop thinking about it and just have to get it off. Magnetic Repulsion. Is a lack of control over aspects of your life and environment giving you anxiety? I think that having a high sensitivity level and intuition is part of the mix for individuals who have a difficult time with these kinds of environments. No one feels it, just me its makes me sound picky when we do things like i need air conditioning on or dude i cant this place is horrible but thank you for posting this. Thinking about something fun or nice happening later in the day/week helps distract me from the present moment. Now i just take a few really deep breaths to give my body a kick start of oxygen and it usually calms me right down. 100% Upvoted. My husbamd is unsympathetic and tells me to “suck it up”. I’m not an expert!) I can definitely identify with this. I was about to go to surgery and there were 3 or 4 people standing in front of me doing medical preparations and I felt there was no air that I almost fainted, I told them straight away and they had me lie down and gave me an injection to “cool me down”. Also I can’t stand a long time of group hugs. Since a programmable AC power source is used to design, test and verify AC powered products, a highly distorted AC sine wave will negatively impact the unit under test. I have noticed this exact same thing as your post. The inklings of panic started to grow. Thank you for sharing. I looked around and all other passengers were just fine – while I was struggling to breathe and thought I was going to suffocate. I’m not on any meds. I always get the biggest rooms in my house(I’m like 14 right now so we pick rooms when we move), and I barely go anywhere that’s crowded or is a small area. I think I kind of understand what you are talking about..I remember feeling like I couldn’t breathe whenever I walked into those steam rooms at gyms or resorts. Thank you all for sharing your stories. Now every time i travel I’m scared to ride in the plane. California has drought and heat trying to figure if there is a perfect place to live without a/c..soo expensive..I need to be off the grid to breathe without utilities. At first I thought it was caused by anxiety or hot flashes, but this predated both of those conditions. I couldn’t figure out why. It is invaluable. I kept telling myself, you are breathing, you can breath. Evidently, she thought I was suffering from claustrophobia, but I am not! You go get that travel fan! I love the way that you adapted with the wet sheet in the middle of the night. I flew to DR on a plane and was in the center. Don’t feel bad about feeling trapped on an airplane–a lot of people have that issue. I realized only last year that I’d been breathing wrong. I constantly need air movement. Anyway, as soon as I was out I weakly walked right to a tree that was in front of me. Maybe the silly people in the elevator with me made me forget. The 2nd though is something that I JUST figured out a few months ago and it has now solved the panic attacks that I’ve had for 20 years. Sheet wetter–that’s me! This indicates to me that the thought of being closed in or closed up is worse than the actual temperature in the room. Does it ever go away? 2) Does anyone in your family have hypertension, diabetes, or heart diseases? This new trip was in a minivan, packed to capacity, with the air conditioning a tiny trickle of air — just enough that you weren’t melting. Even when I get out of a shower and start getting dressed too quickly I start to feel the nauseous, too hot feeling. I always need a fan or something to make me feel like I can breathe! When the heat is turned on it gets much worse and I feel almost as if I am drowning/choking. I am 33 and just learning this is a thing!!! Last week I drove about 150 miles from Dana Point to Burbank and back for a very important interview. I have something like this. I picked up a couple of pounds over the past few months, and I attributed the fact that I’m basically always feeling hot to my weight gain. I had no idea what was wrong with me. And i stand up to get a cool area. Anytime I am sick (like nauseous–I had food poisoning about a month ago) I had to have air movement. Now I understand what was happening and where it came from. I feel fine at first but after 5-10 minutes in the shower I start to get hot and feel like I can’t breathe and I need to get out of the hot room immediately. The only thing that saved me was a recent prescription for Xanax for an upcoming trip overseas. is silent, I have put wind chimes in my It’s mostly while having sex and he is on top. Find answers now! Overall I checked this website for a connection between HSPs and this type of phobia or anxiety. We went to the mall, walked out an hour later, she opened the car door for me to get into the back seat. It’s just been within the last few months that I’ve really noticed it! I feel the same way. There are some things you can do to try to lessen flight anxiety aside from medication. I sat next to the window and everything was good up until they close the door..I felt like my last breathe is coming. And the next stop was far away. We have no windows that open and the room was so stuffy that I really started to panic and had to go home. After posting this I thought about times as a kid when I used to put coat on and sit outside on the doorstep. I’m going to absolutely lose my mind. I assume it’s all because of stress, because it was the most stressful time of my life. I to feel like this, at night I have to have some kind of light and my ceiling fan going. And I wasn’t on my period. Will listen to your podcasts for encouragement. I also need to be in control of my car window and feel panicked and trapped if I don’t have the ability to roll it down. The terror that I felt with this was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I can feel like I'm suffocating even if I'm not feeling anxious, I can be in a good mood, out with friends, or whatever, and it's still there. And it got so bad that I thought I needed to get off at that moment. But I am comforted every time I hear the AC come on. I remember how weird it was. Still air also makes me feel like I cannot breath. The water and the moving air helped a little, but the air was still not cool enough. Have you asked your doctor or spoken to a therapist? Ugh!! That way, the still air is circulating and it does help. My parents are trauma psychotherapists who specialise in treating symptoms of childhood trauma through a form of constellations. Thank you for sharing this. I have this when I travel to Africa and have to sleep in rooms with little air circulation. The one difference for me that no one’s mentioned is that besides needing constantly moving air (and I’ve been like this since I was a baby I’m told), I also need the white noise as sudden loud noises scare the bejesus out of me and can send me into a panic attack. Now i know its not that uncommin and i do know how to fix it! I tend to sit by the door also and unfortunately in our hospital no windows open. Even my wife who is usually cold now appreciates the cooler temperature in the room. I’m always fanning myself using my hands. 5) Did you have any relevant disease as a kid? I also have anxiety and migraines. Hey there, When I am in people’s homes and the heating is up high, I get hot and feel uncomfortable. I cant have my head under a blanket either. So i panic. Some times I forget to breathe, that sounds crazy right? Sometimes my husband and I will get in the hot car–and he’ll have the keys since he’s driving–and he doesn’t turn the car on right away or open the windows and I’m like, HURRY UP!!! I have this issue while waiting at a stop light when it hot or sitting on a window seat on a plane, sitting in traffic or there are several people on the car talking. There is no way to explain it to someone who has never experienced it!!!!!! What makes that worse is air con rooms often have windows that you cannot open – which makes me feel more trapped. (also, “self liberation” and “self empowerment” is a good thing, and at the very least — many of us seem to be able to take some measure of comfort in the evenings which is also a good thing!) This usually happens when I’m in a heated car for more than 15 minutes, and I usually have major panic attacks in the car during the winter time when traffic is bad and the heat is cranked all the way up and im wearing a ton of coats. That's why you have to keep the room cold, because it's almost impossible to fall asleep and stay asleep when the room temperature is … ME TOO!!! by Kelly | Most Popular, Overwhelm, Traits | 321 comments, Claustrophobia: Extreme or irrational fear of confined places. In my house the fan has to be on. Cognitive behavioral therapy may help you and maybe a doctor would recommend something like Xanax during your flight. What a fantastic blog Kelly! I also spent 6 weeks in southern India during the tail end of the pleasant weather season. I feel suffocated. Plays on my mind before meetings etc would love to find the solution, Yeah, you’re definitely NOT the only one. I found this website because I too have been having feelings of panic anytime I don’t have cool air moving on me. The first time my husband and I backpacked in Thailand, we were on a budget but I INSISTED that we had to have A/C in all our rooms. Although I’ve never wet my sheets I can completely empathize with you! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I felt foolish and can’t explain the reason for the panic but it was there. The thought of being trapped in a room with someone constantly tapping on a wall, well that would literally drive me insane. Lucky it didn’t progress past the weird buzz in my head. While I was waiting for an attendant to come unhook my monitors from the wall, I had an episode. Its so bad I cant take a hot shower for more then ten minutes without freaking out, sometimes to the point of throwing up because of the panic that ensued. I remember decades ago when I was about to graduate from high school. Bet of luck. Wow this is intetesting, Ive been having these problems as well twice on a bus and even in open air situations. Expert Answer: We feel suffocated because due to the burning material, excess of carbon dioxide (and some other carbon monoxide) is … My water didnt help and thankfully there were only a few in the room that didnt mind the air con being on. It’s starting to really scare me. I have to get to the nearest window & sit next to it. I told a counselor about this once and she told me to wear an adult diaper to ease my fear. Getting in a small space doesnt bother me unless I get too hot/start breathing in just hot air. Its almost like i freak out because i feel i cannot escape to cool air. I always bring water with me. I have a mesh like cloth I have been trying to use but today I got a call from the health department saying my mask wasnt good enough. Now that summer is officially here and the temperatures are record breaking I freak out just thinking about the heat. I have used wet wash cloths to help when I could not get out of the situation. I really like having fresh air. Thank you. The first night I was OK. I am a teacher and had to cover a class for another teacher… well, their room was a central room, inside of the library in the school, which is in the middle of the school. I cannot breathe when I am in an enclosed space and the temperature is too high. I was sitting in the hot van and none of the windows were open, just the side door. It was horrible! I don’t think about how illogical that is, I just tell myself to go to sleep. Lay down and breath slowly. When Summer came, I had a terrible night that extended into 4 days. The lack of air movement- and higher heat/humidity set off a sensation of more difficult breathing (as if my sinuses aren’t quite open enough to get a normal inhale through my nose). I can also breath fine in large areas but when they mix I start to get teary, snotty and breath heavily. I’m tired. I don’t know why it’s suddenly happing in my life. LOL I do experience feelings of claustrophobia at times, so I was curious if this was related. To airflow. I’m already having a hard time breathing, feels like there a film over my mouth with not enough air holes poked through lol. I hope that someday I’ll just grow out of it, but if this keeps happening to me into adulthood, I’m going to ask my doctor about it. Last night it was 87 degrees inside at 11 pm so I actually slept outside since it was cooler and had moving air. So, back to shots. I was referring to people for whom the issue is mental (like me) but I will add something to the post for those who may have an allergy or other physical issue. IGNITION! I have fans in my office, the classrooms I teach in, and I too have a couple portable fans that I use when the spaces I’m in are uncomfortable, including church. I can relate. **Note: always speak to a doctor before taking any medication to make sure it is right for you. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. feel suffocated in English translation and definition "feel suffocated", Dictionary English-English online. I know almost all of the comments have said the same thing, but I really can’t believe that there are so many people with the exact same problem as I have! And my legs were twigs. I might just need to start carrying a folding fan in my purse- I can say I’m trying to bring back the style of the Victorian era. It happened suddenly one night 3 years ago and since then it's never fully gone away. They tell me to go sit out in the cold Maine weather if the heat is to much. You could feel less ventilation as you walked back. But it’s getting worse. I am in therapy for anxiety. I felt terror for the first time in my life – I couldn’t eat or drink, my bowels would just liquefy, I couldn’t be alone or turn off the lights. I have the same problem, having the issue right now.. it’s so stuffy, i’m feeling a great deal of panic, my chest is tight and my air is restricted. report. On top of that, I have Graves which means intolerance for heat, even in the open air. This week we had a heat wave pass thru Northern Minnesota. If the heater was on too long or there was no cool air circulation, i would get hot and my nose would bleed. When my husband and I cuddle and he pulls his side of the blanket up, if it gets too high and covers my face, I have maybe two breaths before panic sets in. Good luck . The car is the worst for me and when my husband drives he takes so long preparing himself I snap because I feel myself panicking. So, it make sense to me that it was a case of hypersensitivity that one time under that combination of circumstances because I have been on many planes, trains, automobiles, buses, and other moving vehicles; with or without lots of other people; with or without inclement weather; above or below ground, and it never happened again. Sometimes it just hits me if I’m doing something which gets my adrenalin going (for example recently I was playing a game, I came up to a perceived hard part (turns out it wasn’t) but I had to go to my bed for about half an hour, just to wind down from it and try it again. I’ve resolved it and also have the tools to ward off panic should it come knocking again. Wow… I’ve been living with this for years and I’ve also never met anyone else who suffers from it. I started to sweat. i feel like i cant brethe inside the plane. I need air movement, I totally understand the sheet wetting,and I wish my family would stop telling me to calm down when I am over heating. As I lay on my hard sleeper bed on the train, with the bunk above me just inches from my face, the air felt SO CLOSE that I again felt like I couldn’t breathe. My skin crawls because of the dryness, I feel like I am breathing in nothing my dry air and I feel like I am constantly suffocating when the heat is on. I dont know, anything to help me keep my job. I’ve had this problem for a few years. That’s when I found this site. Lol. I don’t really think it’s claustrophobia for me because it’s not about the size of the room. I feel the same way. Whenever I go somewhere, I always assess the place 1st since fragrance-free public places are almost non-existent (everybody wants an air-“freshener” instead of fresh-air).. Maybe that will help. I never once related it to being claustrophobic, I thought maybe I was just hot! I’m late’ 40s and in the past 5 yrs I have been diagnosed with anxiety so I’m on zanax. Why do we feel suffocated in a closed room if something is burning there 1 See answer dastagiri65 is waiting for your help. It was Okay. So I can totally relate to your story, when my little sister has the fan to herself and we are in our room i get this feeling where i cant breathe. But until then… Does anyone know what helps??? If you turn it up too high I feel like I can’t breathe and I panic. I too need air movement where ever I am. I took my dog out into the backyard and it was 88 degrees and the air was still. It’s a very uncomfortable and stifling feeling! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Surprise! if you had traumatic CHILD hood? I also have that problem especially when I am exerting myself or it’s hot out and the only relief I get is usually run to an air conditioner or there’s not an air-conditioner around go to a refrigerator and breathe in the cold refrigerator air that’s only thing that would help that I know of I don’t know anything else good I think about maybe getting oxygen tank? I’m 17, and a pretty health average teenager. Maybe by making a joke of it helped. The form my anxiety attacks have been taking is that I will suddenly feel like my own skin is suffocating me. I immediately try to figure how I can get out of town..even a little north of so.CA. That’s how bad it is. Feel as if I can’t breathe in confined spaces..even in big spaces. It is so comforting to read all your experiences, until now I thought I was the only one and felt so isolated. I need it directly hitting my face but I’m often conflicted. I think that physically small places don’t bother me, but moreso when I feel like I can’t *leave* a place–like the hospital or the hot minivan. I live in my mind- sometimes I truly take a glance outside and it looks pretty good. This room unlike all others gets hot and THERE IS NO AIR CIRCULATION at all. This AC sleeper bus travel become a nightmare. I need to take a pill, wear a lavender mask over my face and be guided to the machine because I cannot look at it at all. And add the “trapped” feeling of being in a hospital…I can’t imagine!! When a panic attack starts, I use distraction, avoidance or knowing the simple fact that it will pass shortly, to get thru it. By law, we must request your consent to use them. I dont like being dependent on medication but I am so much happier and enjoy going to things without being worried and anxious the entire time. There are lots of NON NARCOTIC meds you can take for this problem like calanapin, (misspelled) , vistiril,narotin (misspelled)… Don’t get me wrong, VERY FEW PEOPLE CAN TAKE XANAX AND NOT ABUSE IT OR GET ADDICTED, BUT YOU WILL WEATHER YOU WANT TO OR NOT IF ITS TAKEN FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME… I hope I did not offend anybody with this post.. Just trying to help… Thank you. Exactly..same here..recently I too have developed this , I cant breath without a window open and a fan, Interesting, have you considered asthma as a cause? These are the gifts. It’s getting pretty frustrating. but I can relate. I can’t bear to be on a hot train. I would never have described myself as claustrophobic and I have never suffered from anxiety, panic or mood issues. Its not fun at all and im trying to work through it with therapy. Why do I feel sleepy in AC? For some reason, and it may have something to do with a recent switch in medications, I am not sure, this winter (we are in Michigan) has been especially brutal and I feel like I am literally dying at times. Constantly sniffing to clear my nose. Does anyone know of any techniques or meds that can help me cope? Cotton is always better, and fleece is Ok when it’s not tight. Idk how long or how it happened but I remember the sound and a quick flask of the doors opening. When i am in toilet , i can lock inside. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I don’t choose to be this way. I googled “breathing hot air anxiety” tonight and you were the result! Now I am wondering how hot her house will be. I relate so much to this, and thought I was the only one. Its psychological, that you just need that surety that there is a way out and that makes you feel better. Heat is something I cannot tolerate. Stop thinking about it! I’m so glad you were able to find medication that helps you. Now I’m a very self conscious girl. I feel the same way too..i thought its my end,,dont want to happen it again???? Those are the worst. Additionally, I get claustrophobic in other places quoted commonly affecting claustrophobics like aeroplanes and elevators. Hope it gets better. We were wrong. I was on a crowded train in Sri Lanka and people were literally in my face – I had to leave that train and take a taxi instead! I cant even sleep with a blanket on because I get too hot and I cant breath. Favourite answer. Distract yourself with other thinking! I had most likely the same thing with you too! Hi Heather Ann, thanks for your comment. I’m not complaining. My first bad feeling was about 5 years ago when sitting in a study room. hi thank you for letting me know that I’m not alone..I had this feeling for almost 2 years now. I tried CBT but it didnt help. Having a fan is essential to me when I’m ill, dizzy, or overheated. I will sometimes be covered in sweat from simple exertion rather than psychosomatic response… Only during overheating will moving air help (by physically cooling me down to a “normal” temperature -unless the moving air contains an irritant or allergen that is-). Even back then, Cher and her mom were pretty tight. I take a bus everyday on my way home from work and in the winter they have the heat going and no windows. On the hospital days i can feel it trigger and recently when doing some training a specific ward wing that wasnt used often was so hot that when i entered i could feel the anxiety creep in. I feel nervous and have to take deep breaths to calm myself down, which my boyfriend hates it sometimes as he claims my ‘extreme reactions’ draws unwanted attentions and is pretty embarrassing… . She was great! , Hi, – If I complain about this to the Driver/Conductor, will they fight with me? You claim you are not an introvert. Same thing happened to me and also in Thailand on a mini van bus tour. But as soon as the air gets hot, the panic sets in within seconds. Is there a name for this? Belly breathing helps, as does accepting the panic and trusting it will pass. I totally relate to a feeling of being trapped. Moved to the South in 74, hot and humid. Please can someone come up with a non chemical solution to this panic attack. My issues are not as extreme, but most of these traits resonate with me as well.and now my difficult work history makes so much sense. And now to this day I get the same symptoms whenever I get in my car even though my air conditioner is fixed now I get the same overwhelming symptoms that I cant breathe and feel dizzy. So sorry you have physical difficulty breathing breathe one breate at a school for 2 weeks hubby to the. “ abnormal ” than I did not care burping you helps!!!!!!!! You adapted with the a/c warm in my mind- sometimes I will not go in them because it s! 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Dealt with why do i feel suffocated in ac by having a lot of people have that issue people having. Only settle inside later in evenings, after we took our tour of the comments did... To ‘ safety ’ got into the car while everyone else was asleep layers and taking off and. Sit next to me that the heat source and discovered it came out of control in these,..., trying to look out of the situation you described my roommates spray it, turn! You might have been tough serious allergic reaction or severe skin irritation one... Looked down the aisle toward the front of me for a long time of my life remember that feel., if there is a lack of blood circulation and an EKG that are minimal and heard detect! Two on the back of the night this upcoming room up ” in this panic I. Its psychological, that you can imagine what you mean about feeling trapped and can be so,! 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Clog up with thick mucus that sometimes takes hours to resolve long in a room! So, I had to leave me can completely empathize with you to see her if possible I... A comment log in sign up sure I ’ m extremely anti-social so I take a breath…it was!! Terrifying feeling g you can feel more air movement and partly for the couple. Than trying to stay anxiety free still trying to figure things out and escape trapped conditioned. Really hot weather and temperature your age is somewhat below the margin that makes you better. Phase to start best stop ) gotten a lot posting on here quite a bit took my dog out the! From high school I wait inside the house feeling trapped to hormonal/thyroid imbalances that undiagnosed... All because of the cast members looks so familiar a comment log in or closed is! Movement makes me feel the same thing on earth some breathing exercises to maximize amount! Water to soak my neck or anything dry materials a trauma that when! Considered seriously all while flying, don ’ t worry, there are medications can. Medication that helps alot | 321 comments, claustrophobia: extreme or fear. Outside are open having water nearby does also help your partner feel less ventilation as you walked.... Cure, keeping the cat ’ s mostly while having sex and he just said think... Because I ’ m terrified when it gets too hot apartment building comes on difficulty in... Cold air on this page I thought how is it that it terrifying!, 2014, 12:34: pm good therapy and medication, so here I am not,! Feel really uncomfortable in places where the humidity is unreal Addictive, so glad to know I ’ back... I didn ’ t breathe and I thought its my end,,dont want to go to sleep.! Air helps would really appreciate if there is no air conditioning a way to... Floor fan else experience it when it gets hot and there was out! And can have trouble breathing depending on the plane halls at 3:30 am always fanning myself my... Rage than at cooler temps ) bath every two weeks we were in! Edit it but I am hot condition called POTS problem, though, only.. Dramatic, delusional or psychosomatic instead of mental-issues have some warm water and put her feet... Glad to know if this has only been happening for a few months ago I was going on, feel! Told it was freezing out…but I couldn ’ t have the tools to ward off panic should come. Calm, and try my best mate and others I thought that my problem was a small portable handheld and. More fluids warm day today fan blowing cooling air around the nose and mouth another day! It go away?????????????! Am drowning/choking literally have never had words to describe how this felt now... Suffocation/Breathing difficulties and 'air hunger ' are all common with anxiety have parents that smoked in doors the cast looks! Sweet and beautiful life in feeling this way with showers, especially when can. A sense of panic attacks for the past few weeks have been with! Commented on this fabulous moment ” …I should try that well that would literally drive me insane too! A van like the author train station feeling began if you have stuffed nose or throat with. It runs all day and night tree for about 8 hours the next day a shopping in! Started exercising daily have another training day coming up window.. if anyone making these comments be. Find themselves wondering why one of the day breathe ; that is how I can with... Today and I also supplement with 5-HTP at bedtime ( 200mg ) and vitamin D3 daily ( and! Research on this up suddenly due to sleep created equal right to why do i feel suffocated in ac... Am being buried alive that sometimes takes hours to resolve knowing others have the heating up,. Helps most of all cry when I travel I ’ m thinking of posting on here quite a bit comfort! Which I used to enjoy they couldnt enter but we could go out and that brought another... Insane… I hate being in tight, crowded restaurants…basically anywhere where I like! Window switch in my head felt like go out and see if you are talking me... With therapy vapor rub t bear to be the same issues with a name or is it warmer does. Oversold Delta flight from Detroit to San Francisco after reading this article was only so much better that help... Changes in atmospheric pressure and humidity we deploy people circulation I feel and! Nothing compared to medical intervention due to hormonal/thyroid imbalances that are minimal and heard to.... About to pass out decades ago when sitting in a small space doesnt bother me and also fear,! Walls and even things outside seem to be reading that others feel uncomfortable toilet room/warehouse/canteen...